My first blog is to introduce folks to Dog Park. It’s a short novel. Hopefully funny. Hopefully capturing the excesses of dog ownership via a group of friends who regularly go to Rexville’s dog park. Robert Benjamin is the lead character. He is simply into dogs too much. His. And others’. And it gets him into jams. Jen Giolito is his therapist. She too owns a dog. She’s ambitious and sees Robert as that a special case leading to stardom. Andy Kershaw was rescued from Lou’s Auto Emporium to clean up Rexville’s popular, but unruly, dog park. He takes his job real, real seriously. Gladys Ridgeway is his ally. And at times, Robert’s worst enemy. Mindy Sanchez is a very nosey, but good, dog blogger. Father Jack Murphy runs Happy Trails Dog Rescue. Devon Holland is a criminal defense attorney whose talents are badly needed. Mayor Ozzie Osgood plots behind the scenes. 30 |
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